• Commentary on the Qaseedah Burdah - Part 8

    Post date: Wed, 17/02/1444 - 23:15
    أَمْ هَبَّـتِ الرِّيْحُ مِنْ تِلْقَآءِ كَاظِمَـةٍ وأَوْمَضَ الْبَرْقُ فِي الظَّلْماءِ مِنْ إِضَمِ 2/2. Or is it because of the breeze blowing from Kaazimah? Or is it because of the lightning (that has) struck in the darkness of the night from the valley of Idham?   Kaazimah is either: 1. Madinah Munawwarah - Madinah is called Kaazimah since its people have control and forbearance... more
  • The Beautiful Names of Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo: Al - Jabbaar (The One who Remedies All Wrong, Th Exalted)

    Post date: Mon, 15/02/1444 - 15:55
    1. Jabbaar is something so lofty which one cannot reach. Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo is that Being Who is far above one’s thoughts and understanding. All intelligentsia and ulamaa, are deficient in understanding His Reality. 2. Jabbaar refers to the person who mends something. It is derived from the word جبر الكسر (He mended the broken bone) and جبر الفقير (He fulfilled the needs of the poor/... more
  • The Beautiful Names of Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo: Al - Azeez (The Overpowering)

    Post date: Tue, 09/02/1444 - 16:08
    Azeez can be derived from one of the following words: A. Azeez refers to something matchless and unique. When something is scarce, the Arabs say : عز الطعام في البلد “Food is scarce in the city.” So, when the creation is referred to as Azeez, when they are scarce, then Allaah (Jalla Jalaalahoo) is Most Worthy of being referred to as Azeez, as there is nothing similar to Him.   B... more
  • The Beautiful Names of Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo: Al - Muhaimin (The Being who Protects Everything)

    Post date: Tue, 25/01/1444 - 00:12
    1. Al-Muhaimin is the Name of that Being Who is Characterized by 3 qualities: a. He  Possesses Knowledge of all the conditions of everything . b. He  has Full Power to Grant benefits to those things. c. He  is Continuously Able to Grant those benefits.  The Being Who encompasses all three qualities is named ‘Al-Muhaimin’, and none but Allaah (Jalla Jalaalahoo)  ... more
  • Commentary on the Qaseedah Burdah - Part 7

    Post date: Thu, 20/01/1444 - 01:02
    Hereunder are some incidents of our elders who were true lovers of Rasulullaah SallAllaahu Alayhi Wasallam. Following in the footsteps of the Sahaabah RadhiAllaahu Anhum, they held even those things connected to Rasulullaah SallAllaahu Alayhi Wasallam in great esteem.  1.) It was the habit of Shah Abdul Qaadir Raipuri Rahimahullaah that when going to Madinah Munawwarah that he would tell... more
  • The Beautiful Names of Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo: Al - Mu'min (Giver of Assurance and Safety)

    Post date: Mon, 17/01/1444 - 23:15
    Mu’min comes from the word amaan which means: 1. To attest or confirm or 2. To grant safety. If the first meaning is taken, Al-Mu’min (Jalla Jalaalahoo) is He (Jalla Jalaalahoo) Who : a.  Affirms His Own Existence (Jalla Jalaalahoo), in His (Jalla Jalaalahoo) Book, and by means of clear signs. b. Affirms the truthfulness of the Ambiyaa (Alayhis Salaam) through different... more
  • New Year -Time for Introspection

    Post date: Mon, 10/01/1444 - 15:15
    We recently bid farewell to a year that will be a witness for or against us. We received a new year. A segment of man’s life has just finished and the more days pass by, the closer we draw to the Hereafter. Hasan Basri (rahimahullaah) said, “O son of Adam! You are but a collection of days; whenever a day passes, a part of you ends with it.” Muhammad Ibn Waasi’ (rahimahullaah) was asked, “... more
  • The Day Of Aashura

    Post date: Mon, 10/01/1444 - 12:39
    The 10th of Muharram is a significant day. It is known as the day of Aashura. When Nabi (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) made hijrat to Madinah Munawwarah, he found the Jews observing the fast of Aashura. When enquiring from them about the significance of this day, they replied that Allaah Ta’ala rescued Moosa (alayhis-salaam) and drowned Fir’aun and his followers on this day. Moosa (alayhis-salaam... more
  • The Beautiful Names of Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo: As - Salaam (The Epitome of Peace)

    Post date: Mon, 03/01/1444 - 16:38
    Salaam is derived from the word ‘salaamat’ which means pure or safe. Thus, two meanings have been narrated, Hafez  Ibn Katheer Rahumahullaah has stated, “As-Salaam (Jalla Jalaalahoo) is that Being (Jalla Jalaalahoo), Who is Pure from all faults and deficiencies, due to His being Perfect in His Being (Jalla Jalaalahoo), His Qualities (Jalla Jalaalahoo), and His Actions (Jalla... more
  • The Beautiful Names of Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo: Al Quddoos (The Being Pure Of Every Fault)

    Post date: Tue, 26/12/1443 - 16:28
    This Name is derived from the root word ‘Quds’ which means purity. Sayyiduna Ibnul Arabi writes, “Allaah (Jalla Jalaalahoo) being characterized with this quality demands the following: 1. Pure from having any partners. 2. Pure from having any equals. 3. Pure from having any opposite. 4. Pure from having children. 5. Pure from what we imagine Him (Jalla Jalaalahoo) to be. 6.... more
