Mufti Muhammad Saeed Motara Saheb writes regarding the book,
"I had the honour of casting a cursory glance over this book that you O reader are holding in your hands. The book has been excellently compiled by the erudite Aalim/Scholar, Moulana Moosa Kajee Saheb حفظه الله, an Ustaazh/Teacher at the world renowned seminary, Madrasah Arabiyya Islamiyya, also fondly known as Darul Uloom Azaadville, South Africa. This book will be of special interest and benefit for students who are embarking on the noble quest of acquiring the science of Hadeeth. Although not an exhaustive treatise on the topic, it does however contain enough introductory material in the science of Hadeeth to ignite and instill in a student of Deen the fervor and passion of acquainting himself with the noble Ahaadeeth of Rasulullah SalAllaahu Alayhi Wasallam ."
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