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نحمده ونصلي علي رسوله الكريم أما بعد
Muadh Ibn Jabal RadhiAllaahu Anhu has narrated
ذكر الانبياء من العبادة وذكر الصالحين كفارة وذكر الموت صدقة وذكر القبر يقربكم من الجنة
(فيض القدير شرح جامع الصغير ص 564 ج 3)
Remembering the Ambiyaa Alayhis Salaam is an act of worship, mentioning the pious causes expiation of sins, pondering over death is charity, and thinking of the grave will draw you closer to Jannah.
From here, the virtue of thinking of the pious is established since it has been deemed to be an expiation of sins.
Similarly, from ahaadeeth and statements of the predecessors we learn that the mercy of Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo descends when the pious are brought to mind.
عند ذكر الصالحين تنزل الرحمة
The mashaayikh (spiritual guides) emphasize greatly to those treading the path to Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo that together with the Qur’aan and sunnah, they should keep in view the lives of our pious predecessors, since this will facilitate in practicing on the Qur’aan and sunnah, since they themselves practiced on them and presented a practical example, leaving behind a beautiful model for their followers. The Sahaabah RadhiAllaahu Anhum presented a practical portrayal of Nabi SalAllaahu Alayhi Wasallam’s beautiful lifestyle. The taabi’een, tabe-tabi’een, the practicing ulama and awliyaa after them, all established this practically in every era. Therefore, in the lives of these personalities, such examples of Nabi SalAllaahu Alayhi Wasallam’s character is present that till Qiyaamah, the ummah cannot remain without it. Hakeemul-ummah Mawlana Thanwi Rahimahullaah in Ta’limud-deen narrates the statement of Shaikh Qiwaamuddin Rahimahullaah,
“The actual gauge and measure of this path is the Qur’aan and the sunnah as well as the lives of the pious predecessors who followed the Qur’aan and sunnah and became leaders in this field.” Thus it is of utmost importance for the ummah to bear in mind the lives of the pious elders, together with the Qur’aan and sunnah.
Thus for a long while now, it was my heart-felt desire to compile such a booklet in which the incidents, character and statements of the pious predecessors could be briefly mentioned, which would be a means of advice for the general Muslims, a cause of descent of divine mercy and blessings, and an avenue to create the desire to imbue the character of our predecessors. Also by studying their lives, the desire to practice on the Qur’aan and sunnah would reawaken in the hearts.
The book, “Tambeehul-mughtarreen” written on this subject matter by Allaamah Shaikh Abdul-Wahhaab Sha’raani Rahimahullaah, who was amongst the famous ulama and high-ranking awliyaa of the 10th century, passed my gaze.
I found most of the subject matter to be the sentiments of my heart. A severe desire was created in my heart to publish chosen extracts from this book, which would prove to be greatly beneficial and advantageous for the ummah.
There is no doubt that this book, with regards to its subject matter, occupies the status of a high-ranking statute for the ummah.
Every word of this book is worthy of constituting a portion of one’s heart. The author himself states, “Even though this book is small, with regards to its size, it is very lofty with regards to its significance. The reason for this is that it makes mention of those qualities and characteristics of the sahaabah, tabi’een and practicing ulama by which ones dealings with the Creator and the creation is corrected.”
The translation of this book was done a while ago in the old Urdu language. It had been published before as “Akhlaaqe-salaf”. However this book is now out of print. Alhamdulllaah, I had one copy, which I have kept in front of me while simplifying and systemizing this book. All praise to Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo that by its aid, this work was easily completed, and my long-felt desire was fulfilled. Now too I am publishing it by the same name “Akhlaaqe-salaf”.
May Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo make it such that it is quickly printed and made commonly available! May Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo grant all the ability to benefit from its subject matter, accept this service and make it a means of my everlasting salvation, and may He grant all of us the ability to imbibe within ourselves the morals of our predecessors and to practice on their teachings and directives. Aameen.
(Mawlana) Muhammad Ahmad Rahimahullaah
Phulphur, Partaabgar