• The Beautiful Names of Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo: Al-Qaabidh (The Being Who Restricts) And Al-Baasit (The Being Who Expands)

    Post date: Mon, 27/01/1445 - 14:08
    Mullaa Ali Qaari Rahimahullaah has mentioned, “Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo Restricts and Expands in everything i.e. character, sustenance, outward forms and souls. When Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo wants to Restrict something, then no power can make it expand. When He wants to Expand, then nothing can prevent Him.” (Mirqaat) والله يقبض و يبسط اى فى كل شيء من الاخلاق والأرزاق والاشباح والارواح اذا قبض... more
  • Commentary on the Qaseedah Burdah - Part 19

    Post date: Fri, 24/01/1445 - 10:03
    The Love That The Sahaabah Radhiallaahu Anhum Had For Rasulullaah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam (Continued)   6.) Ka'b ibn Ujrah RadhiAllaahu Anhu narrates that he once went to Rasulullaah SallAllaahu Alayhi Wasallam and found that his face had become extremely pale. “May my parents be sacrificed for you! What is that matter that I see your face so pale?” he asked. Rasulullaah... more
  • The Beautiful Names of Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo: Al-Aleem (The Being Who Is All-Knowing)

    Post date: Mon, 20/01/1445 - 20:32
    Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo is that Being whose Knowledge encompasses the outward and inward, the open and the hidden, the necessary, probable and the impossible, the upper and the lower, the past, present and future. Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo has Always Known and will Always Know what has happened and what will happen.  Nothing in the heavens and earth is hidden from Him. His Knowledge... more
  • Commentary on the Qaseedah Burdah - Part 18

    Post date: Fri, 17/01/1445 - 11:48
    The Love That The Sahaabah Radhiallaahu Anhum Had For Rasulullaah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam 1.) Abdullaah ibn Abu Bakr RadhiAllaahu Anhu narrates that (during the Battle of Badr) Sa'd ibn Mu'aadh RadhiAllaahu Anhu said, “O Nabi of Allaah! Should we not build you a structure for shade so that you could stay there and your conveyance could stay in readiness with you. We shall then... more
  • Commentary on the Qaseedah Burdah - Part 17

    Post date: Fri, 17/01/1445 - 11:45
    5.) HONOUR AND GREATNESS The fifth cause of love is honour and greatness. People of great status are loved because of their grandeur. Ali RadhiAllaahu Anhu mentioned about the awe Rasulullaah SallAllaahu Alayhi Wasallam possessed, مَنْ رَآهُ بَدِيهَةً هَابَهُ، وَمَنْ خَالَطَهُ مَعْرِفَةً أَحَبَّهُ Any person who saw him suddenly would become awe-inspired. Anyone who came in close... more
  • The Beautiful Names of Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo: Al - Fattaah (The Being Who Opens The Doors Of Mercy For All)

    Post date: Mon, 13/01/1445 - 11:19
    Fath refers to opening a door. That is why a key is referred to as miftaah (instrument to open.) Thus, Al-Fattaah is that Being Who opens the Doors of Sustenance and Mercy for His Servants. He Solves their intricate matters and Opens avenues for them. He Opens their hearts and their internal eyes, so that they can recognize the truth. Another person has stated, “Al-Fattaah is that Being... more
  • The Day Of Aashura

    Post date: Thu, 09/01/1445 - 11:45
    The 10th of Muharram is a significant day. It is known as the day of Aashura. When Nabi SallAllaahu Alayhi Wasallam made hijrat to Madinah Munawwarah, he found the Jews observing the fast of Aashura. When enquiring from them about the significance of this day, they replied that Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo rescued Moosa Alayhis Salaam and drowned Fir’aun and his followers on this day. Moosa Alayhis... more
  • The Beautiful Names of Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo: Al - Razzaaq (The Provider)

    Post date: Mon, 06/01/1445 - 14:48
    Literally, rizq refers to that by which some form of benefit is acquired. Sayyiduna Dawood Alayhis Salaam recited the following in one of his supplications: يَارَازِقَ البُغَاثِ في عَشِّه “O the Sustainer of the baby crow in its nest!” When the egg of the crow breaks open, and the baby emerges, the colour of the baby is white. The mother dislikes the child and flies away, leaving the... more
  • Commentary on the Qaseedah Burdah - Part 16

    Post date: Thu, 02/01/1445 - 15:39
    3.) WEALTH Due to wealth, love is created in the hearts of people. The poet beautifully has stated, رأيت الناس قد مالوا ... إلى من عند فضه ومن لا عنده فضه ... فعنه الناس منفضه رأيت الناس قد ذهبوا ... إلى من عنده ذهب ومن لا عنده ذهب ... فعنه الناس قد ذهبوا I saw the people crowding the person who possessed silver. As for the one who possessed no silver, the people absconded... more
  • The Beautiful Names of Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo: Al - Wahhaab (The Bountiful Giver)

    Post date: Mon, 28/12/1444 - 16:16
    AL-WAHHAAB   (THE BOUNTIFUL GIVER) Hibah in Arabic refers to making someone the owner of some item without taking any recompense. Besides Allaah Jalla Jalaalahoo, no one else can really give a hibah (gift), since there are two fundamentals in gifts:  1) to make some-one the owner  2) not to take any recompense.  These two qualities are impossible for a human... more
